Welcome to my boring paradise

Whatever you think about me, truly I don't care. I juts enjoy all my day. . .!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fall as Leaves in Autum

You see, when I was think about a person I feel like I can reach happy life everafter. Because this person is my happy source, my energy source and my power source. But when I was think about the reality, it's totally different. This person was very doesn't care about his own life, doesn't care about other things, and doesn't care about anything in this person's life. Honestly it make me little disapointed.
Now my mind like as this tree, it has no leave to make it more beautiful and make it more good looking. 

It looks poor without leave. In fact  my mind just want to grow as a little tree. But it become as like when you see a tree in autumn, has no leave even it just want to little grow.
I hope it will be like this.

Spring..... full of leaves. It more beautifull than Autumn. Come on, courage me please...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Rockstar, A Smoker ??

Are you agree with a statement that " A rockstar should be a smoker". It's utter nonsense. Of course it's utter nonsense, why..? because smoking doesn't make someone look cool or macho. It's just make someone look like a bad guy. Someone told me that rock isn't about appearance, but it's about soul. So, why should someone smoke to show that he/she is a rockstar.
I have no idea about that, and I can't think clearly about it. May be it doesn't matter for you (smokers), but it will be a big problem for us who doesn't smoke. We'll get more dangerous disease than all of you, it's annoyed. We don't get any value, but we get much illness.
It's ironic to say that you do it to make your feel better, and to fill your empty soul. Don't say that your soul is black as darkest night, because it will make your soul become truly dark. May be your opinion is "Wherever you stand, black will always beat white. Black will always win over white".
It will never happen, because black will biting white. So do white will biting black.
As a chinese say. YIN AND YANG.
it will be balance between black and white..!!
So rockstar, your dark heart can't be clear by smoke. And don't hope to beat white because you will never win the competition, but try to make peace with the white.
be YIN and YANG

Fiuh... I hope Yin N Yang Will Be Like This

Because I Love Pink..>_<  

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Dear blog....
I have some expectations when I get my master graduation in foreign. May be about five expectations. They are simple expectations but I think will be hard to reach them. Because it need  much fee, much patients, much pray, much tears, much support, much courage and much link. My first expectation is I wanna build a distro in... emm wherever... haha..


Wakz... why do I wanna build a distro..?? Truly it's my revenge to my father. hehe..?? why.? because when I was in senior high school then I graduated. I wanna get an art study, especially about design but he never allow me to take it. So I wanna make a revenge, although he never allow me to learn about design but I can do what I wanna do..:p
Father..just look into my eyes(wakz..lebay) I can do what I wanna do, whether you allow me to do it or not. Of course I'll make you proud of me with something that you're not permit. Just look, you will proud of me.. I can do the best, I can win your heart.

you'll proud of me...!!!! 

I do it just for you you mom, and you Father..!!
Because you are my hope and my pride

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rockstar and I

Here We Go..!!

this is me

this is Rockstar

Than we love rock together
like this

And this - we always happy together

We can't separate like this
Change to be like this. I can't be the white or just to be black. And Rockstar can't change to be white or be  black alone.

But we have to be like this.
Always together. Because you can't wear just one sneaker, but you have to wear it in a pair.

Have No Idea

Why... Sometimes this life become very annoyed. We do something bad that truly we won't to do that. we know that those things can make our life become so bad, but we can't deny it. fiuh...............

No I don't want to talk about it..!!!

Dear blog....
What do you think..?? If there is your friend suddenly give you much attention. whether it's important or not. haha.... (baboga). when I feel like there is no someone care with me, this person comes and courage me gives me support. When  I feel like I can see sunshine anymore this person comes and gives me a sunlight. When I think I just can see the dark cloud when I wake up in the morning, this person comes and blow over all the dark cloud. Fiuh.. I think, all of you think that may be this person fall in love with you, or may be this person feel pity of you, em and may be this person want to play over you.
You Know guys..?? I'll never think like that. Why..?? Because I understand this person more than you.
This person do this because "this is the truth, I gotta do this. She is my close friend, and whatever her do, what happen with her I have to know and stand beside her". May be you think this is absurd, but it isn't.

Who's this person...??
Yapz. . This person is 
My rockmate.
My waymate.
My classmate.
My radiomare.
My darkmate.

I hope You'll always be my everlasting friend. Don't go anyway. because I won't to let you move..!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

My LaSt FeEl

When I got text From her..

it's Shocked me..

Then I Feel so..

When I got an Info about something

Then my feel change into..


So Now I....

Hope..hope..hope.. I can do that..!!


Fiuh.... pingin, pingin, pingin, pingin ikut lomba poster. Aiz... aku sih gak terlalu yakin bisa menang ngalahin mereka-mereka yang udah jago pake corel draw. Yapz karena sebenarnya tujuanku juga bukan untuk menang lomba. Aku cuma pingin nyoba aja, tapi kalo tar bisa nembus yah aku anggap sebagai kado dari My Lovely God.. ^_^. Emz..
Sebelum mikir tentang ikut lomba ini, awalnya hidupku kayak beresa gak bakal lihat matahari cerah lagi di pagi harinya. Soalnya semalem Gee dapat sms yang memberitahukan tentang Gee harus ikut lomba debat..!! What..??? oh No..No..No.. tidak...!!! itu bukan bidangku sama sekali. Fiuh.. sayangnya Gee adalah orang yang sangat mudah jadi speechless tiba-tiba kalo lagi ngomong. Fiuh.. jadi kamu bener-bener salah orang kalo nyuruh aku debat..:P. Semalem aku ngerasa seakan-akan langit runtuh, mulut kaku, pikiran kosong (yekz..lebay gak sie..?) gara- gara denger berita itu.
Tapi kayaknya My Lovely God gak begitu aja membiarkanku dalam kesengsaraan bati deh, buktinya tadi pas aku minta kertas buat coret-coret, tiba-tiba My Lovely God mengingatkanku tentang lomba poster itu.. yihuuu..!!!! I see. .I see. . walau pun Gee gak ahli dalam bidang corel-corel'an, tapi ini sedikit membuat hatiku tenag dan senang...
Gak muluk-muluk harapanku untuk menang, karena selain Gee gak begitu mahir di Corel Draw tapi juga gak begitu paham dengan temanya. Hahayyyy............
God... tak apa, tetep itu akan jadi hal yang berkesan dalam hidupku... this is my first time loh...

Blog... wish me luck ya...!!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Synonim and Colocation

Dear blog. . . .
For all of you who love English, I think it's nessary for you to know some synonim and colocation.
Well,firstly I want to tell you what the meaning of synonim and colocation are?
The meaning of synonim is some word which are have the same meaning.
And the meaning of colocation is some word that have the same meaning but they have to be place in special sentence and it's depend on the pragmaticity of the text.

This the example of synonim:
mature and ripe. Their mean are matang.
But they have a different meaning in some cases. That is :
a. Sensible : (of a child or young person) behave in sensible way, like adult. e.g-Jane is very mature for her age.
b. Fully grown : ( a person, a tree, a bird or an animal) fully grown and develope. e.g-a mature Oak.
c. Wine/cheese : Develope over a period af time to produce a strong, rich flavour.
d. No longer young : Used as a polite or humorous way of saying that somebody in no longer young.
e.g-Clothes for mature woman.
e. Work of art :

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jenis-jenis Barang atau Sesuatu yang Najis

Dear blog. . . .
Pagi ini Gee belajar fiqih sunnah pake buku karya Sayyid Tsabiq di pandu oleh Ust. Talqist. Kita mengkaji tentang jenis sesuatu yang najis, nah dari hal itu Gee jadi tahu sesuatu. Ternyata ada 9 jenis sesuatu yang najis, yaitu :
1. Semua jenis bangkai. *Dalam hal ini adalah binatang yang matinya bukan karena disembelih atau menyembelihnya tidak menyebut nama Allah*. Disini ada pengecualian terkait tentang bangkai. Semua jenis bangkai najis kecuali : a. Bangkai ikan dan belalang. b. Binatang yang darahnya tidak mengali,e.g: semut, lebah, nyamuk, dll. c. Tulang, bulu, kulit, kuku dan taring binatang yang sudah mati.
2. Darah
3. Nanah yang bercampur dengan darah yang ada dalam bisul. Membersihkannya dengan dibasuh.
4. Muntahan, semua jenis muntahan. Membersihkannya dengan dicuci.
5. Daging Babi. Beberapa ulama ada yang menyebutkan babinya, jadi semua yang berkaitan dengan babi. Seperti bekas minumnya, kotoran dsb. Tapi Sayyid Tsabiq hanya menyebut daging babi.
6. Tinja dan Air Seni.
7. Waddi. Yaitu cairan putih yang keluar setelah buang air seni.
8. Maadzi. Yaitu cairan yang keluar dari kelamin saat membayangkan hal yang berhubungan dengan sex atau saat mempermainkan alat kelamin. Wajib mencuci kelamin. Jika menempel dipakaian diperciki air saja. Biasanya menimpa muda-mudi yang masih belum menikah.
9. Mani atau Sperma. Sebagian pendapat ulama berkata najis dan sebagian tidak. Membersihkannya dengan mencucinya jika masih basah dan cukup dikerik jika sudah kering. Dan wajib mandi wajib.

Begitulah yang saya dapat. . .

Friday, April 1, 2011

April MOP. . . .

Dear blog. . . .

How are you guys? I hope u're oke, always. And if u feel oke now, lets express your thankful for oug The Only One God. . Alhamdulillah. .
Hari ini aku merasa hatiku hangat sekali. Walaupun gak segitu hangatnya, tapi aku merasa benar-benar oke. Kenapa ya? Entahlah aku juga gak ngerti. Ya yang pasti ku rasa ini ada campur tangan dari Allah juga. Yang menguasai hati manusia dan dengan mudah membolak-balikkannya.
Eh iya, ini hari pertamaku masuk PB setelah sekian lama aku tak berjumpa Mr.Roni_my lecture. Kayaknya lebay, baru aja 2 kali gak masuk kug. . . Wha, tar juga kayaknya kelas bakal agak sepi, soalnya pada mau izin ada acara. Ya uda deh gitu.

Aduh, kug kayaknya cerita sama judul postingku gak nyambung ya. Tadikan rencananya mau ngomongin April mop. . .ah tapi bingungung mau ngomong apa entang April mop jadi ya gak nymbung dah. . .gak papa deh. . .