I just want to share how is my uniform look alike..???
little cute... hohoho... love it..
Welcome to my boring paradise
Whatever you think about me, truly I don't care. I juts enjoy all my day. . .!!!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Unique Kitty
Hahaha.... gak tau nemu di blog siapa.. hello kitty pake cadar... ahihihi liat ajja.......!!!
may be yang ini biasa ajja, tapi tetep ajja unik.. hello kitti pake Kimono... ahihihi
and terakhir yang paling akku suka adalah hello kitty yang ngerock abisss......!!! tapi masih nampilin sisi cutenya, liat ajja dia pegang lolipop..ahihi...
may be yang ini biasa ajja, tapi tetep ajja unik.. hello kitti pake Kimono... ahihihi
and terakhir yang paling akku suka adalah hello kitty yang ngerock abisss......!!! tapi masih nampilin sisi cutenya, liat ajja dia pegang lolipop..ahihi...
I got this one in Hello Kitty Shop
imut yey...............!!!!
Hello Kitty Korean Hanbook
Em.. As a Hello Kitty and Korean Lover, of course I want to see the cute Kitty wear Hanbook-a traditional Korean clothes. Lets check this one out..!!!
Kitty in a Hanbook
This one couple Kitty in Hanbook
couple Kitty in Korean Style
Kitty dolls in hanbook group
very Cute, right..??
Cute Kitty
Rockstar..!! Again..??
I don't know how much I spend my little time just tu impress Rockstar. Haha I think I spent many sheet of my diary book just to write about Rockstar. You know why Rockstar..?? for me you more interesting than the best movie or the best Hello Kitty *what? !! no..!!* umm I'm afraid if it's the fact.
This morning my father made me so disappointed "again", I was curious, does he still remember my face and my habits or not.. I hope he still know me.
Yeah.. it's doesn't important..!!
the most important thins is I'm happy then coz I can meet Rockstar and discuss something in the same group with Rockstar. OMO..!! I wore his jacket this morning, it's too big for me ofcourse. It's oke..!! it doesn't matter because the essential is the jacket is Rockstar's jacket...
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I miss U
haha.. now I know that Rockstar loves emo!!
Like this one
haha.. now I know that Rockstar loves emo!!
Like this one
I'm a bit interested, but not really haha..
Emm.. I really want to buy this one
This one is Reebok Freestyle High Nostalgia White Tutu
Up to $74.89
It is beautifully designed and the materials and construction as always are of the highest quality. Would look great with any outfit this season and is so cute!
This unique one is Reebok Zigtech Pulse Purple Grey Red
Up to $75.55
Elegant and athletic Reebok Zigtech Pulse Purple Grey Red sneakers with the delicate craftsmanship and modern design are sure to make you look more attractive and charming.
This one is Cheshire Cat Nike Dunk High Custom Edition
up to Regular Price: $142.99
Special Price: $78.98
this one is Nike Dunk High 2 BY Ceykey Blate Gray Dark Violet
Regular Price: $142.99
Special Price: $78.98
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
My New Hobby
Ahaha.. I have new hobby now. Yapz, all of sudden I interest to be an bakery *what?*
I bought cookie cutter, oven, cake beater, baking ingredients and soon. I wish some day I can earn money from this new hobby. ha.. I'll order my friends to order my cake. well, sebenernya keahlianku akan lebih ku fokuskan ke pembuatan cup cake-cup cake gitu teperti muffin, cup cake biasa, pie dan yang cake yang gampang ajalah dan pas di kantong mahasiswa seperti waffel, pan cake, puding and beberapa masakan yang sederhana tapi menggugah selera. ahihihi........... Ya, kan emang sasaranku itu mahasiswa sekelasan dengan Gee. sebenernya awalnya gak ada niatan buat kesana, tapi kemaren udah terlanjur beli cetakan kue, kocokan and hari ini Gee beli oven. Jadi daripada gak dimanfaatin ya mending buat usaha siapa tau tar bisa dapet untung.
Ini contoh kue yang bisa dipesan nantinya :
Ini muffin biasa tapi tetep enak.
2. Muffin Wilton
Muffin ini cenderung lebih enek karena teksturnya yang lebih lembut, gurin and bisa banget manjain lidah 3. Cup Cake
Ini kurang lebih rasanya sama dengan cup cake yang lain. Karena memang belum bisa bikin terobosan baru. hehe...
Ini kurang lebih rasanya sama dengan cup cake yang lain. Karena memang belum bisa bikin terobosan baru. hehe...
4. Pie
Pie ini juga mengandalkan tekstur lembut dan mudah dicerna. Makanan agak ringan yang mengenyangkan.
Pie ini juga mengandalkan tekstur lembut dan mudah dicerna. Makanan agak ringan yang mengenyangkan.
5. Waffel
Hap.. ini yang enak, yah walaupun rasanya sama dengan waffel yang lain tapi tetep ini akan lebih murah nantinya.6. Pan cake

7. Tart

8. Black forest
9. Cake Gulung
yang gak kalah lembut and enak-nya dengan yang lain.Yep kayaknya itu dulu yang bisa dipesen. Cake-cake sederhana and simpel. Dan Mungkin bentuknya juga belum secantik yang di gambar. Tapi liat aja entar...!!!
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